Edited by Jon Carlson and Judith Lewis
The new fifth edition includes six totally new chapters making this latest edition of Counseling the Adolescent a definitive text. The contributors are experts in the field who blend theory and practice to address all of the important issues related to adolescence.
You’ll find practical intervention strategies and proven methods that work, plus material on resilience in children, causes of bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, ethics, and much more.
The text begins by addressing the cultural context of adolescent development and how this impacts both the modality and the context of counseling sessions. Next, notable experts discuss individual struggles such as bullying, depression, suicide, and teaching children to care. Family and school issues are also presented along with interventions and activities that will aid in our understanding of the adolescent experience and help adolescents themselves enjoy healthier and more productive lives.
Special Features
- Emphasis on partnerships of school, community, and agencies
- Covers evolving changes in counseling practice
- Includes important new information on social skills
- Expands coverage of school crisis intervention
- Shows new ideas for counseling developmental groups
Part 1: Adolescent Counseling in Context
1. Working With Adolescents: The Cultural Context
2. Ethical and Legal Complexities Inherent in Professional Roles
3. Addressing Barriers to Development and Learning: School, Family, Community, and Agency Partnerships in New Mexico
Part II: Individual Issues and Interventions
4. Problems of Adolescents
5. Fostering Resilience
6. Depression
7. Adolescent Suicide
8. Uncovering Hidden Causes of Bullying
9. Teaching Children to Care Rather Than Kill
Part III: School-Based Interventions
10. Transformations in School Counselor Preparation and Practice
11. Consultation and Counseling Strategies to Facilitate Inclusion
12. Enhancing Educational Attainment of Minority Youth
13. School Violence and Disruption: Rhetoric, Reality, and Reasonable Balance
14. Promoting a Safe School Environment
15. Intervention Procedures for Traumatic Crises in Schools
16. School Crisis Intervention
17. Teaching Students to Resolve Their Own and Their Schoolmates' Conflicts
18. Developmental Groups in School Counseling
19. Social Skills Training in Schools
Part IV: Family-Based Interventions
20. Changing Family Patterns
21. Working with Children, Adolescents, and Their Parents
22. Family Counseling With Children
528 pages
paperback/ISBN 978-0-89108-320-7
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