1. |
of Rationale
This part allows you to explain your book proposal for both the publisher and for those people we engage to review the prospectus. It should include a brief description, the basic approach, and why the book is needed in the field and include any special innovative features. |
2. |
Please suggest the primary college course your book will be considered for adoption. Is this a graduate or undergraduate course? If the book can also be sold to counselors, social workers, teachers, and other professionals, please expand on this market. |
3. |
List all major competitive books and the strengths and weaknesses of each. Tell us how your book is different and better than those already on the market. |
4. |
Let us know the month and year you expect to complete this project. |
5. |
How many double-spaced manuscript pages do you plan? The rule of thumb is that 450 double-spaced manuscript pages will be a 300-page printed book. Do you see this as a paperback or hardback? Will there be a need for any photographs? |
6. |
A copy of your vita listing all degrees and publications will be useful. |
7. |
A detailed table of contents with the headings is essential. Include a brief description of each chapter. If a sample chapter is available, you should send it along. We prefer it be a chapter more representative of the text rather than the introductory chapter. |
8. |
Contact |
Love Publishing Company
9101 East Kenyon Avenue
Suite 2200
Denver, CO 80237
Telephone: 303-221-7333
Fax: 303-221-7444 E-Mail: lpc@lovepublishing.com
Thank you for considering Love Publishing as your publisher.
Your proposal will be reviewed and we will contact you soon. |