Radha Horton-Parker and R. Charles Fawcett
This book contains a variety of concrete integration approaches for counselors, therapists, helping professionals, instructors, and students that are both practical and flexible. The applications are categorized as either implicit (done within one’s self without the client’s awareness), or explicit (performed outwardly with the client). The four implicit strategies are grouped under the acronym FACE and the six explicit strategies using the acronym SPIRIT.
This textbook is designed to be complete and thorough enough to be used as a stand-alone guide for a class. However, it is short, direct, and easy enough to read to be used as a supplemental textbook addressing spirituality in counseling practice. The book covers the historical relationship between spirituality and counseling, theories of faith development and spirituality, methods for working with clients’ diverse beliefs, spiritual assessment techniques, ethical issues, research findings, references, and of course the specific strategies of the FACE-SPIRT model.
Special Features
- A near exhaustive review of the literature on the topic of counseling and spirituality
- Vignettes and examples of counselor–client dialogue illustrating each technique
- Discussion questions at the end of each chapter to facilitate classroom dialogue and individual synthetic learning
- A companion DVD that shows the authors using these techniques with the case studies, available for sale through the American Counseling Association (www.counseling.org)
Part One: The Why, When, and How of Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling and Psychotherapy
1. The Why, When, and How of Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling and Psychotherapy
2. When to Integrate Spirituality Into Counseling and Psychotherapy
3. An Overview of Spiritual Competencies and Ethical Practice
4. How to Integrate Spirituality Into Counseling and Therapy: The FACE-SPIRIT Model
Part Two: FACE – Implicit Strategies for Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling and Psychotherapy
5. Focusing on the Present
6. Asking for Guidance
7. Compassion Cultivation
8. Existential Empathy
Part Three: SPIRIT – Explicit Strategies for Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling and Psychotherapy
9. Simile and Metaphor
10. Prayer
11. Interpretation of Sacred Texts
12. Ritual Therapy
13. Imagery
14. Transgression Relief
15. Closing Thoughts & Vignettes
160 pages
2009/paperback/ISBN 978-0-89108-341-2
$ 34.95 |