Barry Weinhold, PhD, & Janae Weinhold, PhD
This book is a major breakthrough in the field of conflict resolution. Employing both a developmental–constructivistic and a systemic perspective, it offers a framework for identifying the primary cause of conflicts in all human systems and offers practical tools for resolving them. This book represents more than 20 years of leading edge research from two psychologists who have tested their approach with individuals, couples, families, schools, churches, businesses and non-profit organizations, communities and national and international groups.
The Partnership Way addresses the causes of three kinds of conflicts in all human systems: wants and needs, values and beliefs, and intractable conflicts. Its four-stage developmental model describes the essential processes necessary for human consciousness to evolve and connects intractable conflicts with unrecognized and unhealed developmental traumas. Finally, the book shows readers and instructors how to develop a personalized approach to resolving conflicts. It includes an outline for developing of a personal theory of conflict resolution.
1. Self-inventories and writing exercises to help readers personalize what they are learning about conflict resolution
2. Practical step-by-step processes for resolving conflicts of wants and needs, values and beliefs and intractable conflicts, highlighting dialogue and inquiry skills to help resolve conflicts of values and beliefs
3. The developmental–constructivistic approach to engage both the teacher and the learner in a mutual process of discovery and transformation
Part One
• Describes the Partnership Way and the Developmental Systems Theory that supports it
• Illustrates why we believe we need a new paradigm of conflict resolution
• Introduces the new research on developmental trauma as the primary cause of intractable conflicts
• Helps readers examine their personal approach to conflict resolution and to determine where it is and is not effective
Part Two
• Focuses on resolving conflicts of wants and need and values and beliefs
• Provides step-by-step skill building worksheets and skill practice exercises to help readers learn how to resolve their conflicts
• Teaches how to identify your own wants and developmental needs
• Shows how to distinguish between a conflict of wants and needs and a conflict of values and beliefs
• Presents dialogue and inquiry skills to resolve conflicts involving values and beliefs
Part Three
• Focuses on identifying the developmental sources of intractable conflicts and learning skills to resolve them at their source
• Shows how to resolve conflicts in individuals, couples and families
Part Four
• Focuses on resolving conflicts in more complex social systems, such as the mental health profession, schools and churches, the legal profession, the workplace, and cultural, national and international organizations
• The last chapter describes how the authors have utilized these skills in their own relationship
336 pages
paperback/ISBN 978-0-89108-339-9
